Amenorrhea: What Should You Know About This Health Condition?


Amenorrhea is the medical term that gets used for the absence of a menstrual period. In teenage female, it defines as someone who has not gotten her foremost period by the age of sixteen. For females who have previously menstruated, it shows the absence of more than three successive menstrual cycles. If you are experiencing this condition, you can avail of amenorrhea ayurvedic treatment and ensure you get rid of it in a natural manner.

What you need to understand here is that amenorrhea is not at all a disease, but in some instances, it could be a sign of another condition. It can emerge in healthy women once they are pregnant, breastfeeding, on specific contraceptives, or undergoing the skipped periods during the time before menopause, called perimenopause. But in other females, amenorrhea can be a sign of some or the other trouble, mainly if the missed menstruation comes up with other signs.

Symptoms of Amenorrhea

Doctors divide the condition of amenorrhea into two types. Primary amenorrhea which refers to a condition in a girl who has never really menstruated by her age of sixteen, or at times even fourteen. Then secondary amenorrhea is the one that generally refers to three months of missed or skipped periods, or at times fewer, in a woman who previously had a normal type of menstruation cycle.

The absence of menstrual bleeding is underlined a s amenorrhea. But, in some instances, it is along with other symptoms, showcasing an underlying condition. For instance, females may have excess facial hair, severe headaches, vision changes, hair loss, or other symptoms in addition to the lack of menstruation. Once this is the instance, it is mainly important to be checked by the health care provider. Some women experience very light periods that might not last long. In case there is any sort of bleeding, this is not believed to be amenorrhea.

Causes And Risk Aspects of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea occurs when a woman is pregnant or simply breastfeeding. Women who are on specific types of contraceptives or have entered perimenopause, the years before the period ceases, may also undergo months when they do not really get a menstrual period.

In other females, amenorrhea is a sign of disruption in the hormonal system in the overall body. It can be because of certain behaviors, like excessively exercising, experiencing an eating disorder, or undergoing significant stress. Characteristically when the behaviors are reversed, the menstrual period will come back. Moreover, the use (or abuse) of certain medications, encompassing antipsychotics or drugs to treat particular cancers, can even cease your period for a time.

At times the dysfunction emerges for other reasons. Hormonal problems can stop menstruation in a previously regular female, or it may be the reason of primary amenorrhea, where the menstrual period have not really started.


A diagnosis of amenorrhea starts simply with your answering questions of the healthcare provider, encompassing about your medical history, eating and even exercise habits, and any sort of medicines or supplements you might be consuming.


To sum up, you can check out Amenorrhea or uterine prolapse treatment in Ayurveda and ensure that you are fit and fine!